Solidarity to our colleagues in Egypt

9 Febbraio 2011 // 0 Commenti

Today we left this message on the page of the website of the World Federation of Science Journalists dedicated to “Our friends in Egypt”: Solidarity from Italy posted on February 9, 2011 by  Fabio Turone – Science Writers in Italy I wish to express the solidarity of all the members of Science Writers in Italy to all colleagues in Egypt fighting for their voices, and the voices of Egyptian people, to be heard. We hope we’ll meet soon in a fully pacified Cairo – in the name of democracy – for the World [... segue]

From the WFSJ: Statement on the Cairo 2011 Conference

3 Febbraio 2011 // 0 Commenti

The board of Science Writers in Italy totally agrees with the statements published yesterday by the World Federation of Science Journalists: The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists applauds the steps taken by their Arab colleagues towards democracy and expresses its full confidence that they will succeed and that on the 27th June 2011, the opening day of the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists in Cairo, hundreds of colleagues from all over the world will join them to celebrate greater freedom in the region. Please, [... segue]

Apply for the Armenise-Harvard Fellowship for Young Science Journalists 2011

19 Gennaio 2011 // 0 Commenti

Riceviamo e volentieri diffondiamo:   Si riparte per Boston! Undicesima edizione borse di studio Armenise-Harvard/UGIS per giovani giornalisti scientifici italiani Milano-Boston,  19 gennaio 2011. Una buona notizia per l’anno nuovo: ritorna l’atteso appuntamento per la formazione di giornalismo scientifico presso la Harvard Medical School. Il programma, finanziato dalla Fondazione Giovanni Armenise-Harvard in collaborazione con l’UGIS, Unione Giornalisti Italiani Scientifici, consiste in uno stage di una settimana a Boston (dal 20 [... segue]

Need a scholarship to attend WCSJ 2011 in Cairo?

17 Gennaio 2011 // 0 Commenti

The organizers of the World Conference of Science Journalists that will be held in Cairo at the end of next June have just published the registration fees, as follows: Registration will open before the end of January, but you can already see the list of hotels that are offering special rates for WCSJ2011 participants. In the conference website, you can also find info about the scholarship program, that will give priority to developing world science journalists.   [... segue]

Cairo workshop to shed light in statistical jungle

20 Dicembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Covering Medical Research by Gary Schwitzer There is a risk for blindness facing anyone with prolonged diabetes. A news report on a new drug could state, accurately, that tests show the drug reduced that risk by a mere one per cent over a five-year period. But a full-page ad by the drug company could state, accurately, that its new product reduces that risk by a whopping 50 per cent. What’s going on – two figures so far apart, but both accurate? It’s a statistical choice. The drug company ad is citing “relative risk” and the news [... segue]

NASW announces its 2010 Science in Society Awards

13 Dicembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

The US National Association of Science Writers (NASW) established the science in society awards to provide recognition—without subsidy from any professional or commercial interest—for investigative or interpretive reporting about the sciences and their impact on society. NASW especially encourages entries of critical, probing pieces that would not receive an award from an interest group. Beginning with the first award in 1972, previous winners have demonstrated innovative reporting that goes well beyond the science itself and into the [... segue]

Una fellowship per studiare l’evoluzione

29 Novembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Segnaliamo a tutti i giornalisti che si interessano di evoluzione una interessante fellowship offerta dal National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) di Durham, in North Carolina. Fateci sapere se presenterete l’application. Are you a journalist who wants to deepen your understanding of evolution? Print, broadcast, and online journalists are invited to apply for a new fellowship program at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina. The program offers a unique opportunity for reporters, producers, [... segue]

Pedrocchi and Romeo debate about the future of scientific information in Italy

19 Novembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Several Swim members will take part Wednesday, 24 November 2010 in the “WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE JOURNALISM AND POWER IN 21st CENTURY” organised in Trieste by Nico Pitrelli and the group Innovation in Science Communication at the SISSA/ISAS – see http://www.mappetrieste.it/cms/workshop/programme. In particular, Swim members Federico Pedrocchi and Guido Romeo will be in the panel charged of forecasting our profession’s future. 16.15-17.30 • The future of scientific information in Italy (only in italian) Questions on the [... segue]

Terremoti: non è il segreto la risposta alla cattiva informazione

7 Settembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Terremoto e allarmi ingiustificati: no al segreto, i dati scientifici sono occasioni per migliorare l’informazione Milano, 7/9/2010 – Minacciando di interrompere la pubblicazione dei dati sulle scosse di terremoto, il direttore dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geologia e Vulcanologia (INGV) ha commesso un errore che secondo Swim – Science Writers in Italy (la neonata associazione di giornalisti scientifici specializzati, www.sciencewriters.it) rischia di danneggiare la credibilità dell’istituzione che dirige e di [... segue]
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