From the WFSJ: Statement on the Cairo 2011 Conference

The board of Science Writers in Italy totally agrees with the statements published yesterday by the World Federation of Science Journalists:

The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists applauds the steps taken by their Arab colleagues towards democracy and expresses its full confidence that they will succeed and that on the 27th June 2011, the opening day of the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists in Cairo, hundreds of colleagues from all over the world will join them to celebrate greater freedom in the region. Please, read the following statements of support from members of the Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists and from the President of the National Association of Science Writers of the United States, the partner association in organizing the Cairo Conference. At this stage, we also want to thank all the donors, sponsors, partners and participants that have worked so hard to make the Cairo Conference the best World Conference of Science Journalists, ready to happen.

“We are hoping that the situation in Egypt will resolve quickly. We continue to plan the World Conference of Science Journalists-Cairo as scheduled in June 2011. We expect to be able to have more detailed information regarding the Conference within the next two weeks. And we hope that this summer we will welcome all of you to a democratic and even more exciting country of Egypt.”

Nadia El-Awady

President of WFSJ and co-organizer of WCSJ-2011

Dalia Abdel Salam

co-organizer, WCSJ-2011


“The National Association of Science Writers is proud to support the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011. We continue to work with our friends and colleagues at the World Federation of Science Journalists and the Arab Science Journalists Association on an outstanding conference. We are following the historic events in Cairo closely and anticipate that we will have updated information on conference plans in the next few weeks.” Nancy Shute, President, National Association of Science Writers (USA) “The program committee is proceeding with planning and preparations for the World Conference of Science Journalists in Cairo this June. We expect it to be an outstanding event, and one that can that can recognize and pay tribute to historic changes in the host country. And we look forward to updating you further as events progress in Egypt.”

Deborah Blum

program chair, WCSJ-2011


“The Board of the World Federation of Science Journalists remains committed to not only ensuring that the Conference takes place in Cairo but that it is the most successful science journalism conference to date. The Arab Science Journalists’ Association and the United States National Association of Science Writers have done us all proud in drawing up a fabulous programme and great speakers. Planning and funding are on track and we have every confidence that the situation in Egypt will resolve itself well before the meeting.”


Pallab Ghosh

Past President WFSJ and Science Correspondent BBC News


For future development and updates on the 7th World Conference of Science Journalists, 27th – 29th June 2011, in Cairo (Egypt), visit the Conference website.

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