Al festival di Genova, con Swim!

21 Ottobre 2013 // 0 Commenti

Parte mercoledì 23 il Festival della Scienza di Genova, giunto all’undicesima edizione e dedicato quest’anno alla bellezza, con una ricchissima presenza di Swimmer, a partire dalla curatrice del programma scientifico Beatrice Mautino. Ecco gli eventi che vedranno coinvolti gli Swimmer: • 23 ottobre, alle 17:45 La sopravvivenza del più bello. Bellezza, tra musica e natura David Rothenberg, modera: Marco Ferrari • 24 ottobre, alle 18:30 Grasso è bello? Fra pregiudizi e falsi miti. Soppesando stigma e il peso della realtà [... segue]

SWIM alla giornata per la corretta informazione scientifica

8 Giugno 2013 // 0 Commenti

A Milano, Roma e Torino l’associazione Science Writers in Italy (SWIM) è presente negli incontri pubblici indetti per promuovere la corretta informazione scientifica: Daniela Ovadia (direttore scientifico di Agenzia Zoe e membro del direttivo SWIM) modererà l’incontro milanese che si tiene nella sala assessorile di Palazzo Reale, a Milano, Silvia Bencivelli (freelance RAI e tesoriere di SWIM) gestirà il microfono in quello di Roma, e Beatrice Mautino (Codice, Festival della Scienza di Genova e membro di SWIM) condurrà quello [... segue]

Kudos to swimmer Barbara Gallavotti who was awarded the Premio Capo d’Orlando 2013

21 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Swim wants to congratulate fellow science journalist Barbara Gallavotti – who covers science for Italian State TV in broadcasts  such as “Ulisse”, “Superquark” and “E se domani”, and was Course Director in the first three editions of the Erice International School of Science Journalism) – for being awarded the Premio Capo d’Orlando. [... segue]

The early bird registration for Helsinki WCSJ2013 ends next Friday

21 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

(click on the image to go to the registration page) The Early Bird registration for the WCSJ 2013 conference is still open – for a few days! Hurry up. Please spread the word! You can, of course, still register for the conference in June, but it will cost you more. The last day for the Early Bird registration is Friday, 24th of May. Also please spread the word, you are welcome to join the conference even when you are not a working journalist. We are not closing non-journalists out. We need discussion between the journalists and the people [... segue]

Kudos to Swimmer Sergio Pistoi for the Galileo Award

10 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Congratulations to Swimmer Sergio Pistoi who was awarded yesterday the prestigious science popularization Award “Premio Galileo per la divulgazione scientifica” for his recent book “Il DNA incontra Facebook” (“The DNA meets [... segue]

The programme of the Erice School 2013 on Cognitive Neuroscience is online

4 Febbraio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Fabiola Gianotti, with her discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN, will be a special guest of this year’s course at the Erice International School of Science Journalism, devoted to Magnetic Resonance and Cognitive Neuroscience. Other speakers include: Arno Villringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science), Barbara Bottalico (Neuroscience and Law Uni Pavia), Beatrice Mautino (Codice/Genoa Science Festival), Connie StLouis (BBC, City University London), Daniela Ovadia (Agency Zoe/Niguarda Hospital), Federico Giove [... segue]

Sergio Pistoi nella “cinquina” del Premio Galileo

19 Gennaio 2013 // 0 Commenti

In bocca al lupo allo swimmer Sergio Pistoi, il cui libro Il DNA incontra Facebook – Viaggio nel supermarket della genetica (2012 Marsilio) è stato selezionato nella “cinquina” di finalisti del Premio letterario Galileo 2013, che sarà assegnato da una giuria popolare, formata da studenti di 110 istituti superiori di altrettante province italiane, il prossimo giovedì 9 maggio 2013. I cinque filanisti sono: Massimo Bucciantini, Michele Camerota, Franco Giudice con “Il telescopio di Galileo”, 2012 Einaudi; Sergio [... segue]

The call for proposals for WCSJ2013 in Helsinki is open: let your ideas out

11 Marzo 2012 // 0 Commenti

The announcement by Ulla Järvi has just been published on the website of the WCSJ2013: Call for Proposals for the 8th World Conference on June 24–28, 2013 is now open! People wishing to give papers or organize complete sessions for the program for the 8th World Conference on June 24–28, 2013, are invited to submit proposals electronically here at our website. The conference will include a pre-conference day (24 June) with skill building workshops, three full conference days and day (28 June) for tailored post-tours. The conference [... segue]

Get ready for the Helsinki 2013 World Conference of Science Journalists!

28 Febbraio 2012 // 0 Commenti

We are pleased to circulate this announcement by the Finnish colleague Eeva Pitkälä, Conference Director  of the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) that will take place in Helsinki from June 24 to 28, 2013. Dear colleagues, The first details of WCSJ2013 have now been revealed at a press conference in the AAAS Annual meeting. The next important WCSJ 2013 dates are Call for session proposals, open on March 1, 2012, exhibition details available by June 2012 and the early registration, that begins September 10, 2012. WCSJ 2013 [... segue]