
Terremoti: non è il segreto la risposta alla cattiva informazione

7 Settembre 2010 // 0 Commenti

Terremoto e allarmi ingiustificati: no al segreto, i dati scientifici sono occasioni per migliorare l’informazione Milano, 7/9/2010 – Minacciando di interrompere la pubblicazione dei dati sulle scosse di terremoto, il direttore dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geologia e Vulcanologia (INGV) ha commesso un errore che secondo Swim – Science Writers in Italy (la neonata associazione di giornalisti scientifici specializzati, www.sciencewriters.it) rischia di danneggiare la credibilità dell’istituzione che dirige e di [... segue]

Turone and Ovadia in the program of WCSJ Cairo 2011

8 Luglio 2010 // 1 Commento

The preliminary program of the VII World Congress of Science Journalists that will take place in 2011 in Cairo, Egypt, from June 27 to 29, was published in the conference website. SWIM-SWITY board member Daniela Ovadia and president Fabio Turone will produce a session on bioethics and on risk, respectively. In the next couple of months the program will be enriched and better defined, so anyone willing to propose a talk or a panel is invited to contact directly the Co-Directors of WCSJ2011 Nadia El-Awady (nadia.elawady (at) wcsj2011.org) and [... segue]

The Biolunch deemed a great success in ESOF’s scientific programme

8 Luglio 2010 // 0 Commenti

The first edition of Biolunch, an event designed to favor communication between scientists and journalists, took place at ESOF 2010, in Turin. The event, which was part of the scientific programme, was created by Jacopo Pasotti and realized with the help of  Fabio Turone (both members of SWIM-SWITY), and was very appreciated by attending scientists and journalists, including Science’s correspondent Martin Enserink, who wrote about it. (click on the image to read the article on Science magazine’s website) Here are some comments [... segue]

Italian Science Writers unite to promote a new vision of their profession in Italy

2 Luglio 2010 // 4 Commenti

In addition to the usual role as a guide and a “catalyzer” for professionals often working alone, the Association SWIM-SWITY plans to conduct research on science and science writing, in partnership with colleagues and academic institutions in Italy and abroad Turin (ESOF 2010) – A new Association of Science Writers was launched in the beginning of 2010 in Milan with the goal of becoming a reference for all professionals interested in promoting cooperation and debate within the professional community and with the scientific community – [... segue]

Science Writers in Italy

15 Maggio 2010 // 0 Commenti

Our newly founded association of science writers based in Milan, Italy, welcomes new members. The website is in the making, but we already have many activities up and running: if you want to know more, please contact us at info  (@) sciencewriters.it La nostra associazione di science writers da poco costituita a Milano accoglie con piacere nuovi aderenti. Il sito è in costruzione, ma abbiamo numerose attività già in corso: se vuoi saperne di più, contattaci all’indirizzo e-mail qui [... segue]

Our goals / Le finalità dell’associazione

14 Maggio 2010 // 0 Commenti

The main goals of the association are: – to promote the circulation of accurate information about science and technology in society, through all media directed to the general public and the scientific community – to promote the analysis of the scientific enterprise and of its meaning for society in accordance to the highest journalistic standards –  to provide its members with services and tools useful for improving their work – to stimulate the professional growth through courses and other initiatives for continuing [... segue]
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