press releases

Matteo Serra vince il Premio SWIM 2023, Lidia Scognamiglio riceve la menzione

24 Luglio 2023 // 0 Commenti

La giuria del Premio SWIM2023 per l’eccellenza nel giornalismo scientifico ha deciso di premiare Matteo Serra, per i suoi articoli pubblicati su “Le Scienze”, e di assegnare una menzione speciale a Lidia Scognamiglio, che si è candidata con tre servizi televisivi per il TG2-Medicina33. Serra riceverà quindi la somma di 1.000 euro, e sarà il candidato italiano al premio europeo indetto dalle European Federation for Science Journalism (i suoi articoli sono stati tradotti in inglese a cura e spese dell’associazione), [... segue]

Spark me up, science journalist!

27 Luglio 2021 // 0 Commenti

Science Writers in Italy joined forces with the Swiss Association of Science Journalists (SASJ) and the French Association des journalistes scientifiques dans la presse d’information (AJSPI), with whom it organised the Lausanne World Conference of Science Journalism WCSJ2019, and with the National Association of Science Writers (NASW, United States), and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) who organised the previous global gathering in San Francisco in 2017, to support the brand new Spark Grant Initiative.  The [... segue]

Why science journalism is more necessary than ever

2 Luglio 2020 // 0 Commenti

One year after WCSJ2019 Lausanne Ripubblichiamo qui l’articolo scritto da Olivier Dessibourg, chairman del comitato organizzatore della Conferenza Mondiale dei Giornalisti Scientifici che si è svolta esattamente un anno fa a Losanna, grazie al lavoro congiunto delle associazioni svizzera e francese dei giornalisti e di SWIM. By Olivier Dessibourg*, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 11th World Conference of Science Journalists WCSJ2019 and former president of the Swiss Association of Science Journalism SASJ. (Photo Henry [... segue]

Switzerland, France and Italy join forces to host the 2019 World Conference

22 Agosto 2017 // 0 Commenti

The national science journalists’ associations of Switzerland, France and Italy announced their joint proposal for hosting the World Conference of Science Journalists, WCSJ, on 1 – 5 July 2019 in Lausanne, Switzerland. «Our utmost priority is to bring together professionals and students in science journalism and writing from all over the world in order to exchange ideas and skills, to build networks and hence to foster quality science journalism and collaborations on a global scale» the Presidents of SASJ, AJSPI and SWIM announce in [... segue]

The programme of the Erice School 2013 on Cognitive Neuroscience is online

4 Febbraio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Fabiola Gianotti, with her discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN, will be a special guest of this year’s course at the Erice International School of Science Journalism, devoted to Magnetic Resonance and Cognitive Neuroscience. Other speakers include: Arno Villringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science), Barbara Bottalico (Neuroscience and Law Uni Pavia), Beatrice Mautino (Codice/Genoa Science Festival), Connie StLouis (BBC, City University London), Daniela Ovadia (Agency Zoe/Niguarda Hospital), Federico Giove [... segue]

Congratulations to Daniela Cipolloni for the EU Health Prize for Journalists!

30 Gennaio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Swimmer Daniela Cipolloni was awarded the third prize of the fourth edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists for her article about the lies spread by private umbilical-cord blood banks published by Oggiscienza. The article can be found here in the original Italian version (“Tutte le bugie delle banche private del cordone“), or else downloaded in pdf in the English translation available on the website of the EU Health Prize. Congratulations to our fellow Daniela! [... segue]

Anche per la sperimentazione animale vale la libertà di informare

17 Maggio 2012 // 0 Commenti

La pubblicazione sul settimanale Panorama di un servizio di copertina dedicato alla sperimentazione animale a firma di Barbara Gallavotti e Daniela Mattalia ha suscitato reazioni inquietanti e sproporzionate. Ambedue le autrici hanno ricevuto mail minacciose o dai toni fortemente aggressivi che dimostrano la difficoltà, in Italia, di trattare l’argomento col dovuto distacco e la dovuta obiettività, due caratteristiche che vanno salvaguardate se si vuole garantire, anche sugli argomenti di scienza, quella stessa libertà di informazione [... segue]

Proposals for the World Conference of Science Journalists end on May 15th

10 Maggio 2012 // 0 Commenti

Send your proposals for next year’s World Conference “Science Journalism: Critical Questioning inthe Public Sphere” of the World Federation of Science Journalists. Hurry up! (and don’t hesitate to ask Fabio Turone – who is in the Programme Committee – in case you need any help). 8th World Conference of Science Journalists, Helsinki, Finland, June 24 – 28, 2013 A few days left to propose your dream session Call for proposals for WCSJ  2013, Helsinki CLOSES 15 May 2012 ! To propose a session you have always [... segue]

Women at the top of EUSJA. Turone named associate member of the board

31 Marzo 2012 // 1 Commento

Barbie Drillsma, a UK freelance journalist, writer and editor and Viola Egikova, science desk chief on a daily Moscow newspaper have been elected President and Vice-President of EUSJA, the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations at EUSJA’s general assembly in the Netherlands. Wolfgang Goede, a senior editor at German’s popular science magazine, PM takes on the role of Hon Secretary whilst Dutch broadcaster and science editor, Elmar Veerman is treasurer. Menelaos Sotiriou, writer, broadcaster and editor of Greece’s Science [... segue]

Get ready for the Helsinki 2013 World Conference of Science Journalists!

28 Febbraio 2012 // 0 Commenti

We are pleased to circulate this announcement by the Finnish colleague Eeva Pitkälä, Conference Director  of the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) that will take place in Helsinki from June 24 to 28, 2013. Dear colleagues, The first details of WCSJ2013 have now been revealed at a press conference in the AAAS Annual meeting. The next important WCSJ 2013 dates are Call for session proposals, open on March 1, 2012, exhibition details available by June 2012 and the early registration, that begins September 10, 2012. WCSJ 2013 [... segue]
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