Falling Walls Science Fellowship for Journalists – Call for applications (deadline 31 jul. 2015)

11 Aprile 2015 // 0 Commenti

This year again the Falling Walls Foundation offers a fellowship for journalists to attend the Falling Walls Conference, the international conference on future breakthroughs in science and society, and its expanded programme on 8 and 9 November 2015 in Berlin. It is aimed at journalists and bloggers with at least three years of experience, and who hope to advance their knowledge in the area of sciences. The fellowship covers travel, accommodation and ticket costs. Further information is available online [... segue]

The influence of the media on neurotechnologies: the swimmer Ovadia on the Neuroethics Blog

21 Dicembre 2014 // 0 Commenti

This is an excerpt of the invited commentary by Daniela Ovadia published on “The Neuroethics Blog” of the Center for Ethics, Neuroethics Program at Emory University. Media and social stigma can influence the patient adaptation to neurotechnologies and DBS By Daniela Ovadia Daniela Ovadia is the co-director of the Neuroscience and Society Lab in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences Department of the University of Pavia and is the scientific director of Agenzia Zoe. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is one of the oldest neuromodulation [... segue]

Lo Swimmer Catanzaro: «Più giornalismo nel giornalismo scientifico!»

20 Novembre 2014 // 0 Commenti

Lo Swimmer Michele Catanzaro, che sta trascorrendo alcuni mesi a Heidelberg, in Germania, come “Journalist in residence” presso l’Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) è stato invitato a tenere una lecture sul giornalismo scientifico, che ha deciso di intitolare «Put more Journalism into Science Journalism» («Mettete più giornalismo nel giornalismo scientifico»). Ecco la registrazione video. [... segue]

The 2014 survey «Know Thyself Science Journalist» is now open

27 Maggio 2014 // 0 Commenti

All professionals writing about science – as journalists or communicators – are invited to take part in the 2014 online survey «Know Thyself», that will take just a few minutes and will try to explore with some 20 questiions some issues relevant for science journalism, for science journalists and for the society as a whole. The results will be compared with those from the 2012 survey promoted by Science Writers in Italy, that got 407 responses from all over the world (the preliminary results from that survey can be accessed [... segue]

The Manifesto for the EUSJA Board (by Joost van Kasteren)

4 Marzo 2014 // 0 Commenti

In vista delle elezioni per il nuovo consiglio direttivo dell’European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations – in cui il Presidente di SWIM Fabio Turone è candidato come Vice-Presidente insieme al collega Presidente dell’associazione olandese Joost van Kasteren e alla ex Presidente dell’Association of British Science Writers Connie StLouis – è stato lanciato il blog “Science Journalism Europe”, che pubblica i materiali associati alle candidature. MANIFESTO EUSJA BOARD 2014 – 2016 A FUTURE FOR [... segue]

Kudos to swimmer Barbara Gallavotti who was awarded the Premio Capo d’Orlando 2013

21 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Swim wants to congratulate fellow science journalist Barbara Gallavotti – who covers science for Italian State TV in broadcasts  such as “Ulisse”, “Superquark” and “E se domani”, and was Course Director in the first three editions of the Erice International School of Science Journalism) – for being awarded the Premio Capo d’Orlando. [... segue]

The early bird registration for Helsinki WCSJ2013 ends next Friday

21 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

(click on the image to go to the registration page) The Early Bird registration for the WCSJ 2013 conference is still open – for a few days! Hurry up. Please spread the word! You can, of course, still register for the conference in June, but it will cost you more. The last day for the Early Bird registration is Friday, 24th of May. Also please spread the word, you are welcome to join the conference even when you are not a working journalist. We are not closing non-journalists out. We need discussion between the journalists and the people [... segue]

Swim President Fabio Turone interviewed on the L’Aquila trial

10 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Click on the image to download the pdf The latest issue of WPK Quarterly – the newsletter of the German Association of Science Writers WPK – publishes an interview (written in German) to Swim President Fabio Turone, focusing on the complex and controversial court decision that sentenced several Italian scientists  to jail after the L’Aquila earthquake. «The Italian justice failed», the headline by German science writer Markus Lehmkuhl [... segue]

Kudos to Swimmer Sergio Pistoi for the Galileo Award

10 Maggio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Congratulations to Swimmer Sergio Pistoi who was awarded yesterday the prestigious science popularization Award “Premio Galileo per la divulgazione scientifica” for his recent book “Il DNA incontra Facebook” (“The DNA meets [... segue]

The programme of the Erice School 2013 on Cognitive Neuroscience is online

4 Febbraio 2013 // 0 Commenti

Fabiola Gianotti, with her discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN, will be a special guest of this year’s course at the Erice International School of Science Journalism, devoted to Magnetic Resonance and Cognitive Neuroscience. Other speakers include: Arno Villringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science), Barbara Bottalico (Neuroscience and Law Uni Pavia), Beatrice Mautino (Codice/Genoa Science Festival), Connie StLouis (BBC, City University London), Daniela Ovadia (Agency Zoe/Niguarda Hospital), Federico Giove [... segue]
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