The call for proposals for WCSJ2013 in Helsinki is open: let your ideas out

The announcement by Ulla Järvi has just been published on the website of the WCSJ2013:

Call for Proposals for the 8th World Conference on June 24–28, 2013 is now open!

People wishing to give papers or organize complete sessions for the program for the 8th World Conference on June 24–28, 2013, are invited to submit proposals electronically here at our website.

The conference will include a pre-conference day (24 June) with skill building workshops, three full conference days and day (28 June) for tailored post-tours. The conference language is English.

The main themes for conference days are:

25 June Theme: Our common values
26 June Theme: Our exciting work
27 June Theme: Our vulnerable world

To propose a paper, please submit an abstract through the conference management system, found here at our website, on 15 May 2012 at the latest.

Please, find the web link and more information here

Welcome to Helsinki!

Ulla Järvi
Chair of the WCSJ 2013 Organizing Committee

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