Help us bring the attention of the EC on Science Journalism!

La Commissione Europea sta conducendo un sondaggio per raccogliere opinioni e idee sull’indirizzo futuro dei finanziamenti “Science in Society”, cui anche noi come Swim – e in alcuni casi come individui/gruppi professionali – vorremmo partecipare sempre più in futuro, anche nel contesto dell’EUSJA.

I consigli che stanno circolando per rendere particolarmente efficace dal nostro punto di vista questa consultazione sono i seguenti:

• Non selezionate troppi argomenti; solo quelli davvero rilevanti

• Nel rispondere alla domanda “The development of future policy options for the SiS Programme is of key concern for this study. Which is your preferred policy option for future SiS actions in general?” riflettete con calma, poi se sceglierete l’opzione ‘others’ potrete indicare per esempio qualcosa come: “Support professional science journalism and efforts to improve its quality coming from within the profession”.

• L’ultima domanda è la più importante, anche perché permette di aggiungere commenti sul perché il giornalismo scientifico – sempre più spesso confuso erroneamente con la comunicazione della scienza – ha un compito cruciale per la società, ma vive un periodo di profonda crisi.

E chissà che non si muova qualcosa…

Dear members of the European associations of science journalists, You are hereby invited to participate in the public consultation process within the study “Interim evaluation and assessment of the future options for Science in Society (SiS) Actions”.

This study has been assigned by the DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission and is being jointly conducted by Technopolis Group, Fraunhofer ISI and Science-Metrix.

You may find a letter of introduction from the EC here.

The public consultation process is based on a prospective analysis that aims to identify future policy options for the SiS-Programme regarding topics such as public engagement in science, science communication and education, ethics, gender, or open access. This survey is open to experts and the interested public alike. We hope that both groups will participate as we want to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the interests and opinions in the various communities.

The survey can be accessed through this link.

We kindly ask you to pass on the link to the survey via your respective national networks, newsgroups or personal contacts.

Please feel free to post the link in thematically relevant social networks. We would also like you to consider distributing it via your mailing list and newsletters. It is vital that a diverse and geographically widespread audience participates in the survey to help draft the future policy options in the SiS-Programme.

The survey consists of seven thematic areas (e.g. gender, ethics, science communication, etc.), each of which contains max. 9 statements which you are asked to assess as an interested individual and / or based on your professional background. It is up to the respondents which topic(s) they want to select.

Providing answers to each thematic area should not take more than approximately 10-15 minutes.

If you have any enquiries or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at Eval_SiS@isi.fraunhofer.de

Thank you very much for your support! Susanne Bührer & Thomas Stehnken (Fraunhofer ISI)

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